西班牙&E 栖息地的保护 Plan



San Diego is one of the most biodiverse regions in North America, featuring numerous urban canyons, 举世闻名的海岸线, scenic lagoons and rivers and thousands of acres of open space that provide habitat for dozens of rare, threatened and endangered species. 这就是为什么可持续发展目标&E became the first utility company in California to voluntarily develop a Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP)/栖息地的保护 Plan (HCP) under the federal Endangered Species Act and state Natural Communities Conservation Plan Act in 1995.

2023年,可持续发展目标&E began operating under an HCP Amendment, which modernizes the company’s successful approach to habitat conservation planning, leveraging more years of experience and expanding environmental and species protections across the full-service territory.



Our goals for biodiversity and environmental stewardship vary by project and include:

  • No net loss of wetlands or waters, including along the coast or sensitive upland vegetation communities, 生境及珍稀植物
  • Net improvement in ecological conditions for any sensitive habitats that may have been temporarily impacted by operations
  • Enhancement of existing habitats and the establishment of permanently protected preserves for important local animal species
  • Net benefit to species listed as threatened or endangered by state or federal authorities, including the California Least Tern, an endangered migratory seabird that nests along our sandy coasts


西班牙&E’s robust environmental stewardship efforts include a comprehensive avian protection program, vegetation management best practices that strive to reduce invasive weeds and a holistic approach to habitat restoration. These programs are designed to preserve, restore and enhance natural resources where 西班牙&E operates to sustain local populations of plants and wildlife both now and in the future.

415.33 KB


HCP Project Schedule and Map



栖息地的保护 Plan documents

5.74 MB
环境al Assessment for 西班牙&E 栖息地的保护 Plan Amendment
环境al Assessment for 西班牙&E 栖息地的保护 Plan Amendment
4.70 MB
U.S. Department of the Interior Biological Opinion
U.S. Department of the Interior Biological Opinion
1.05 MB
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Permit
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Permit
138.19 MB
西班牙&E 栖息地的保护 Plan Amendment (Aug. 2024)
西班牙&E 栖息地的保护 Plan Amendment (Aug. 2024)


If you have questions, please email (电子邮件保护)